men´s groups sign-up

sign up

The interest list for Spring 2025 is open! You can indicate your interest via the registration form below. If you want to read more about our men´s groups (in Danish), go to

If you want this sign-up page in Danish, go to Mandegrupper – Tilmeldingsblanket • DareGender 

All groups will take place from weeks 18 to 26, from 6 PM to 9 PM. You must be able to attend all 9 weeks.

We will contact you in April regarding whether we have a spot for you in Spring 2025. Unfortunately, we may not be able accommodate everyone who expresses an interest.

General information about our men’s groups:

  • They are free of charge.
  • Our groups are not divided by age. Instead, we aim for a good mix of experiences and perspectives.
  • You don’t need to be good at “talking about feelings” to participate, but you should have a desire to grow. This includes becoming more open about how you feel and what’s going on inside, as well as learning to listen to other men—who may have different values and make different life choices—without judging or offering unsolicited advice.
  • In the group, everyone is welcome to share what’s on their mind. It doesn’t have to be heavy or dramatic. However, you may encounter men who are in crisis and open up about intense emotions (e.g., shame) or share difficult experiences (e.g., psychological abuse).

sign up below

Spring season 2025: starting week 18. You can sign up above, and we will contact you in February if we have a spot for you.

Hvad siger tidligere deltagere?
"Det var forbløffende at være vidne til det, som lige havde udspillet sig blandt mændene rundt om bålet. På det tidspunkt havde jeg sammenlagt tilbragt højest en håndfuld timer sammen med de her mennesker, og alligevel havde vi lige delt de mest sårbare ting om vores sexliv med hinanden"
Læs mere om DareGenders Mandegrupper

Bliv medlem

Vil du støtte vores arbejde? Prisen på et medlemskab koster kun det, du har råd til. Læs mere her.

Bliv frivillig

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Bliv praktikant

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